For years now the MCSE has been considered the premier Microsoft certification. Those who can tack the letters MCSE onto their name demand good salaries and the respect of their peers in the IT industry. To become an MCSE there are a total of seven required exams, which run about $125 each. This, coupled with the costs of training materials and study guides, can run well into the thousands. Although it's a good investment in your career, there is a large gap between the MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), which requires only one exam, and the MCSE.

The gap between the MCP and MCSE has been filled by the MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator) certification. Leaving out the analysis and design of infrastructure, the MCSA focuses on managing and troubleshooting system environments. The intent being that you don't always need to know how to build an infrastructure if your job only requires that you maintain it.

In addition to the MCSA there is the MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer), and with only three exams to complete it's a relative bargain in comparison to the MCSE. According to Microsoft, "The MCAD credential is for professionals who develop and maintain department-level applications, components, Web or desktop clients, or back-end data services."

For developers and engineers who are designing entire enterprise solutions from analysis to maintenance, there is the MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer) with a five-exam total. If you are looking to get the MCSD you will need to look into Microsoft's new .Net certification path for MCSDs. There is no upgrade from the old MCSD to the new and resources for the new path are quickly coming available. However, the MCSD still does not have the following that the MCSE certification does. According to a 2002 editorial, "as of January 2, there were only 28,813 MCSDs, as compared to 436,599 MCSEs." Despite that, Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine states that MCDSs command an average base salary of $78,600, compared to $67,100 for those with MCSEs. Overall, despite new certification paths, which are becoming increasingly popular, the MCSE still reigns supreme as Microsoft's top certification.

The Difference between MCSE and MCSA


The two most important Microsoft certifications that IT executives cherish are MCSE MCSA. Each has its own importance in different domains. MCSE stands for Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, whereas MCSA stands for Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator.

Let us take a look at some of the differences between the above two Microsoft certifications, which may help you to get a clearer idea about them:

MCSE, when compared to MCSA, is an advanced level certification.

As an MCSA, you need to know how to implement, manage, and troubleshoot the existing network and system environment based on the Microsoft WindowsĂ‚® Operating Systems.

As an MCSA, you will not have to set up new systems and networks as a part of your job function. But as an MCSE, knowledge about the design and deployment of new systems and networks is essential.

As an MCSA, you will be able to implement, manage, and maintain typically complex computing environments of medium to large sized companies. On the other hand, as an MCSE, you will be able to plan, design, and implement Microsoft Windows server solutions and architectures in medium to large sized companies.

Microsoft has offered the MCSE certification for many years. This credential is mostly about networking with Microsoft products. It is a rigorous course of study and candidates must pass seven gruelling exams to achieve the MCSE certification. The MCSA credential also is about networking with Microsoft products. However, in the case of the MCSA certification, candidates need only pass four (or perhaps fewer) equally gruelling exams to become certified.

To achieve these certifications requires a different duration of experience. To achieve the MCSA certification requires 6Ă‚-12 months of experience of administering client and network operating systems, while to achieve the MCSE certification requires at least one year of experience to implement and administer desktop operating systems and network operating systems.

An MCSA can bag jobs such as that of a network administrator, systems administrator, network operations analyst, information systems administrator, technical support specialist, or a network technician. An MCSE can bag jobs such as that of a network engineer, systems engineer, network analyst, systems analyst, or a technical consultant.

The MCSA certification provides you credentials that represent a skill set which can be used as a platform, if you plan to later try to achieve the MCSE certification. Therefore, achievement of the MCSA certification will help you to use these credentials and acquire the MCSE certification later through an upgrade path to the MCSE norm.

If you observe carefully, these two exams specialize in two different areas, although they are similar to each other. A clear understanding of the differences between the two different MCSE MCSA certifications is required before you can choose the one which suits your profile and interest.

Firebrand Training : First Accelerated Microsoft Licensing Certification in Europe

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Firebrand Training has launched the first accelerated Microsoft Software Licensing certification in Europe.

The new course is perfect for anyone who designs or sells licensing solutions to small and medium-sized and large organisations, typically those with from 5 to 499 devices or more.

The entire purchasing process is covered, from understanding capacity needs now, and in the future, to recommending licensing options, and then providing post-sales support.

Upon completion of the Microsoft Software Licensing course, the delegate will be able to:
• Define a licensing solution that best suits the customer's needs
• Deep knowledge about licensing for Microsoft Software-Applications

The new course will prepare and test students in the following Microsoft accreditations:
• Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Volume Licensing Specialist, Small and Medium Organizations
• Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Volume Licensing Specialist, Large Organizations

If you design and sell licensing solutions to organisations of any size, this course is perfect for you.

About Firebrand Training: 
Firebrand Training, formerly known as The Training Camp, has pioneered Accelerated Learning courses for busy IT professionals. The organisation’s innovative approach to training course delivery has led to its status as the Institute of IT Training’s “IT Training Company of the Year” for three years – something no other IT Training company has achieved.

Students are totally immersed in the subject matter, receiving an average of 12 hours intense tuition per day at a residential training site. Subject experts implement a range of teaching methodologies designed to fit with how we best understand and retain information during different periods in the day. Accelerated Learning is an attractive proposition for contractors, whose time commands very high premiums, and employers who need to minimise staff absence. Firebrand Training has an above average pass rate of 85% - confounding critics’ claims that Accelerated Learning fails to produce results.

About Firebrand Training: 
Firebrand Training was founded by Robert Chapman and Stefano Capaldo in Summer 2001 as The Training Camp. Stefano was a former student in the US and rated the company’s approach so highly that he decided to launch a programme of courses in the UK. The organisation has since been recognised by Microsoft as a Gold Partner for Learning Solutions (MCPLS) and over 17,000 students have been trained in the UK to date. The success of the company enabled the management team to relaunch as Firebrand Training, which is focused on delivering training courses specifically designed for a European market.

Firebrand Training offers a range of courses covering all major vendors such as Microsoft (MCSE, MCP, MCSA), Cisco, Oracle, Sun, and Novell, as well as specialist certifications in the areas of security, business intelligence, project and business process management.

For more details Microsoft Software Licensing course please visit our website.

Sarah Morgan
Firebrand Training
4 Gt Portland Street
London W1W 8QJ UK
0844 888 1655

Study MSCE - MCSA: MCSA Certification Overview


For a person to succeed in the IT sector a certification from a renowned institute or organization is of great importance and one such course that has a high amount credibility is the MCSA course which is designed by Microsoft. There is so much of advancement in technology in the world today that yesterday’s skills seem to be outdated. Your commitment to your career as well as expertise shows by becoming certified.
The certification marks your skills as well as your commitment to be the best. Employers recognize the value this certification brings to the organization. It is often seen that organisations will often pick a mcsa certified candidate over an equally knowledgeable candidate because of the credibility of this certification.
The MCSA certification is important for the professionals whose basic job is to look after the systems in a network and ensure that they function efficiently in order to fulfil the company’s objective and requirements. They are also capable of handling small technical problems and get them fixed but in terms of creating or upgrading an existing system of networks they do face a limitation and in such cases the mcse certified individuals need to be approached. It is also eligible for professionals who troubleshoot existing network and system environments based on the same operating system so MCSA is an obvious choice if you are planning your career as a systems professional only. A candidate receives the certification only after having passed the mcsa examination and having six to 12 months of experience working with a desktop operating system, a network operating system, and an existing network infrastructure. In this period they learn and master the skills in mcsa.
As a professional, the MCSA certification marks the beginning of a fruitful career. One should not be content or happy that since he/she has been certified, would get work done easily and can do the work without any other knowledge or assistance. The sytems keep on changing and upgrading and hence an individual in this sector needs to do the same and a failure at that can give an edge to the other people competing against you. Also there are many other courses that are certified by Microsoft and can be considered to be superior in terms of learning than a mcsa. Hence it can be said that a MCSA is just a step towards what a person can achieve in the IT sector if the individual aims to attain success through hard work and dedication.
Though them, MCSA certification gives you the most upgraded training in this sector. For those of us who do not have the time that we would like to study for the MCSA, this certification gives us a starting point. More than anything else it is important for an IT professional to realize how important the course will be for his/her career.

Study MSCE - MCSA: Brief Comparison

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Getting Microsoft certified is an excellent way to boost your career or to increase your credibility if you are looking for a job. Many employers seek candidates who have earned their MCSA (Microsoft Certified System Administrator) or MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) because it shoes them that these people have the dedication and knowledge when it comes to Microsoft operating systems and networking. Deciding which certification to get can be a difficult decision.
The MCSA certification from Microsoft only requires four exams and is the first step to getting your MCSE. So, many people who have their MCSE already have their MCSA. If you are just starting out, though, you may just opt for your MCSA. This can be quickly obtained either through self study or some online distance learning courses. The MCSA exam is not as tough as the MCSE tests. The MCSA certification is great for people who are looking for a job where you will be administering an already existing Microsoft network. These IT professionals are the ones with the day-to-day responsibilities of maintaining the network, users, and assets on the network.
An MCSE certification proves you have a deeper knowledge of the Microsoft environment and is ideal for the person who is responsible for a larger, more complex network. If you have a domain controller with DNS or even multiple domains in an enterprise-wide forest, then you are looking at the responsibilities of an MCSE. These networks can be extremely complicated and network security will be an important aspect of the MCSE's responsibility. If you work in this type of environment or wish to work in this type of environment, passing the seven exams required of an MCSE proves that you have the knowledge and skill set to handle this larger, more complex network.
The one big differentiation between the two certifications is the amount of work, study and knowledge involved to pass the exams. The MCSA exams are much easier (although they are not easy by any standards!) than the ones for the MCSE. This is because the job requirements of an MCSE are much higher than that of the MCSA. Also, the costs associated with earning the MCSE are higher since there are more exam requirements and hence, more studying, more classes, and more study materials that are required. Also, the cost to take the exams will be much higher.

Study MSCE - MCSA: MCSE Boot Camp

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The expansion of Information Technology (IT) has encouraged college students and career-centric people to apply for jobs in IT industries for a successful and long-lasting career. Due to the technology hype and the availability of jobs in this field, more and more aspiring applicants are applying for different program certifications, the most popular being the Microsoft Certified Professional, which consists of six different types of certification including IT professional, systems administrator, database administrator and systems engineer. To apply for any of these certifications it is important for students to train themselves and take a qualification test to prove their candidacy in IT related jobs.
The inclusion of IT certifications in the resume of prospective applicants requires tests and preparations. The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) test is one of the most popular tests among the six tests. The MCSE test is quite difficult to qualify unless there are extensive preparations and trainings. Before going into the preparation and training part, let us delve deeper into the structure of MCSE test.
The MCSE is an elementary certification program for any Microsoft environment in an IT field. Generally students need to pass seven tests to become a pro in MCSE. There are different ways in preparing for the tests. Some go for practice tests, while some are offered practice exams by many companies. The practice tests ensure that students pass their exams without any difficulty.
Nowadays, most students opt for MCSE training to become well acquainted with the certification program. MCSE training is conducted in many ways, either online or through training camps.
Online programs allow students to prepare with the help of online study guides, but it has its own disadvantages. Online training lacks the assistance of trained instructors who provide a more personal approach in training the student.
A student opting for intensive training should choose an MCSE boot camp that helps the student in passing the MCSE certification without any hassles. MCSE boot camp, just like a military training camp, prepares a student with rigorous training to help him capably face any problems or work load while providing the services in a company.
An MCSE boot camp is conducted for two weeks. For this specific period, students have to give seven mock examinations, and at the same time. have to work under practical guides with advanced hardware and software.

Study MSCE - MCSA: Brief Comparison


Getting Microsoft certified is an excellent way to boost your career or to increase your credibility if you are looking for a job. Many employers seek candidates who have earned their MCSA (Microsoft Certified System Administrator) or MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) because it shoes them that these people have the dedication and knowledge when it comes to Microsoft operating systems and networking. Deciding which certification to get can be a difficult decision.
The MCSA certification from Microsoft only requires four exams and is the first step to getting your MCSE. So, many people who have their MCSE already have their MCSA. If you are just starting out, though, you may just opt for your MCSA. This can be quickly obtained either through self study or some online distance learning courses. The MCSA exam is not as tough as the MCSE tests. The MCSA certification is great for people who are looking for a job where you will be administering an already existing Microsoft network. These IT professionals are the ones with the day-to-day responsibilities of maintaining the network, users, and assets on the network.
An MCSE certification proves you have a deeper knowledge of the Microsoft environment and is ideal for the person who is responsible for a larger, more complex network. If you have a domain controller with DNS or even multiple domains in an enterprise-wide forest, then you are looking at the responsibilities of an MCSE. These networks can be extremely complicated and network security will be an important aspect of the MCSE's responsibility. If you work in this type of environment or wish to work in this type of environment, passing the seven exams required of an MCSE proves that you have the knowledge and skill set to handle this larger, more complex network.
The one big differentiation between the two certifications is the amount of work, study and knowledge involved to pass the exams. The MCSA exams are much easier (although they are not easy by any standards!) than the ones for the MCSE. This is because the job requirements of an MCSE are much higher than that of the MCSA. Also, the costs associated with earning the MCSE are higher since there are more exam requirements and hence, more studying, more classes, and more study materials that are required. Also, the cost to take the exams will be much higher.